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Java2Rose Documentation Generator(Doclet)

[Japanese version available]

This documentation generator(Doclet) utilizes javadoc to create a '*.red' file importable into Rational RoseTM from '*.java' files. A product of Rational Rose family(such as Rose/C++, Rose/Java) and JDK.1.1 or JDK1.2 are needed. The produced red file is of petal version 37.

After installation, you can invoke javadoc;

In JDK1.2 version, use -doclet option like;

C:\> javadoc -doclet -private *.java     # from *.java files

C:\> javadoc -doclet -private java.awt   # from package name

In JDK1.1 version, use -doctype Red option like;

   C:\> javadoc -doctype Red -private *.java           # from *.java files

   C:\> javadoc -doctype Red -private java.awt         # from package name

This tool is reported to work on Solaris2.4,2.6 and Windows NT 4.0. But any platform on which javadoc works, should be OK.

This is Free software, provided AS IS, with NO WARRANTY. Bug reports, comments are welcome.


"Rational Rose" is a trademark of Rational Software Corporation.
"Java" is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All contents Copyright(C) 1998 Eiwa System Management, Inc. All rights reserved.