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Date:  Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:21:54 +0900
From:  Yutaka Kamite <>
Subject:  [XP-jp:00786] XP soft studio
To: (extremeprogramming-jp ML)
Message-Id:  <>
Posted:  Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:24:41 +0900
X-Mail-Count: 00786

[XP] OOPSLA Workshops on XPの案内を見ていたら、XPスタジオなる記事を見つけ
ました。ボスの Ken Auer はSmalltalk屋さんでXPの大物のようです。
The eXtreme Programming Software Studio(TM) 
So now we've expanded our office space and taken our plan for apprenticeship, focus
on a studio environment, and the application of eXtreme Programming
together. We have a studio where clients can come tell us their stories
and we make them a reality. We do eXtreme Planning and play the Planning
Game. Clients pay on a per iteration basis. We will produce tested                        
software at every phase of the project. The client never has to guess
how the project is really progressing.


Customers have real control over what we do and when we do it.
Management knows accurately what the real schedule is. Programmers can
be productive and produce good software. Measures of scope, resources,
quality, and time are right in front of us all; we all know just where
we are.
All of the tasks we do (billable or not) are "story driven".



General - Young people finishing high school who already have some
familiarity with software development or related activities and are
looking for apprenticeship as an alternative to our culture's
mainstream recommendation of going away to college for four years; 

Novice - Preferably homeschooled young people who are interested in
working toward this kind of apprenticeship; 

Retooling - Adults who would be interested in making a career change and
feel they have some natural talents that could prove useful in our

