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Date:  Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:37:51 +0900
From:  Kenji Hiranabe <>
Subject:  [XP-jp:00705] oopsla
To: (extremeprogramming-jp ML)
Message-Id:  <>
Posted:  Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:33:34 +0900
X-Mail-Count: 00705


oopsla2000 チュートリアルの XP 関係の紹介です.

No.10 eXteme Programming Live!
William Wake, Capital One
Steve Metsker, Capital One

eXtreme Programming (XP) is a lightweight software
development methodology that emphasizes ongoing user
involvement, automated testing, and pay-as-you-go
design. This tutorial introduces XP practices through
hands-on exercises:

   Planning Game: User Stories, On-Site Customer 
   Programming Game: Test-First Programming, Unit Testing, Pair Programming 
   Refactoring Game: Code Smells, Once-and-Only-Once, Refactoring 

The exercises are paper-based and use a robot programming
language. Student Volunteers help play the part of the
customer and the unit testing framework.

As a participant, you will help create a live simulation of
several key practices of eXtreme Programming.

No.23 Applying the Lessons of eXtreme Programming
Pete McBreen, McBreen Consulting

This tutorial is for people who want to find out more about
eXtreme Programming with an eye toward improving the
software development process. Managing the incremental,
iterative development processes required by modern software
systems is not easy, so it is useful to see what lessons can
be learned from the process that has taken incremental
development to extremes. eXtreme Programming projects manage
to be successful with a 3 week delivery cycle, incrementally
gathering requirements and adding fully tested, useful
system features every increment.

This tutorial is intended to prepare the participant to
become actively involved in experimenting with and tuning
their current development process.

No. 63 Automating Unit Testing in Java
Nigel Bakker and Christopher Nel, CCH Software Development

Getting software developers to perform unit testing
adequately is challenging. The Java language has some
interesting features that make it possible to automate much
of this task and even add an element of fun to it. This
intermediate level tutorial provides an in-depth look at
three different, but complementary, approaches to unit
testing in Java using harnesses and frameworks. Java’s
Reflection API and XML are both technologies that can be
used by unit test frameworks. We show how they can be
exploited to simplify and enable automated unit testing.

Advanced eXtreme Programming Testing Techniques in Smalltalk
Joseph Pelrine, Daedalos Consulting

How much testing is enough? Too little? Too much? What do
developers need to test? The available eXtreme Programming
literature differentiates between unit testing and
functional testing, and gives unit testing during
development a (well-deserved and much-needed) high priority,
but fails to address a number of other important aspects of
developer testing: GUI testing, performance testing, and
packaging/delivery testing, for example. This tutorial will
illustrate new techniques such as implementing “skins” for
SUnit, defining test resources for managing items which
remain active over a series of tests (e.g., database
connections), and automating or integrating various other
tests into SUnit.

Participants will discover a number of new and alternative
solutions for testing problems that have not yet been
adequately addressed in either the XP literature or tools,
along with working implementations of these techniques.
