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Date:  Fri, 4 Aug 2000 10:05:05 +0900
From:  Yutaka Kamite <>
Subject:  [XP-jp:00698] Re:VXP ストーリー1タスク案
To: (extremeprogramming-jp ML)
Message-Id:  <>
In-Reply-To:  <>
References:  <> <>
Posted:  Fri, 04 Aug 2000 10:06:50 +0900
X-Mail-Count: 00698



というのは、ストーリとタスクの関係で早々と Ronが「や〜めた」と降りてしま


>>     Move Piece:
>>     - The user specifies a move on the chessboard.  The 
>> program checks 
>>     whether the move is legal.  If the move is legal, the 
>> program then 
>>     executes it.  If the move is not legal, the user gets a 
>> message as 
>>     to why.  Before the move, the board can be in any configuration.
>I'd split the above story into three parts.  
>  us2 place and remove any piece on any square. 
>  us3. Move the piece from anywhere to anywhere.  
>  us4. Check validity of moves.

Let's not jump into tasks just yet.  Instead lighten up.

    A player specifies where a piece will move to.  
    Legal moves are allowed.  Illeagel moves are not.

    When a player specifies an illegal move an 
    explanation is given.


ただし、このストーリ自体にはRobert C. Martin は下記のような別意見を持って

> >
> >I'd split the above story into three parts.  
> >  us2 place and remove any piece on any square. 
> >  us3. Move the piece from anywhere to anywhere.  
> >  us4. Check validity of moves.
> Let's not jump into tasks just yet.  Instead lighten up.

I don't consider those tasks.  Rather I consider them to be features with
different priorities.  For example, as the customer, I would prioritize us1
and us2 far above us3.  I can do a demo chess game with us1 and us2 to keep
my investors happy.  us3 is not a necessary part of the demo, though it
would certainly be glitzy.  us3 will be necessary soon; but perhaps not in
the first iteration.

Tasks would be something on the order of:

1. Create window.
2. Draw squares in window.
3. Draw rank and file labels.
4. Create move menu.
5. Add a piece.
6. Move a piece.
7. Delete a piece.

自由に使えるように成っています。今、 XPCGIとXPChessが登録されています。

Joi Ellis has kindly offered his XPCGI story/task
tracking database for perusal for this project.  I have created a tentative
list of tasks in a project named XPChess.  Feel free to edit or add tasks.
