On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 00:21:15 +0900
"Hisashi Yoshida" <steven@....jp> wrote:
> よしだです。
> #ご無沙汰です。
> そういえば、そのSmalltalkをJavaに置き換えたとかいう人のメールが
> [XP] Re: Smalltalk in the pink book [OT?]
> というSubjectで載ってました。きちんとはみれてませんが、以前議論中
> だった例の章のコード全文が出て、Ron Jeffriesが「cool!」と言っている。
<by kevin 00/10/31>
"XP in Java" (or Ruby)みたいなのが欲しいな、という質問に対して
I would love to see something like "XP in Java" (or Ruby), a book
that covers all the code-related topics of XP but in a language that
is really easy for us unwashed masses to understand.
<by Ron 00/01/05>
I'm still concerned that it won't work because in Java one wouldn't have
done it that way, but if John wants to try it, it's OK with me. John, I can
see a few different approaches:
In any case, if you, John, or anyone cares to do it, I'll certainly put the
example up on my web site. I might even do it myself, but it's low on my
priority list. If someone did the chapter in the full test-first
by-intention pair-programming style (or a really good job of commentary on
single-programming), we'd put it in the second edition of the book if and
when there is one.
So ... if I can help, let me know ...
> ついでに「Rubyにかえたりしません?」というようなこともいってたかも(これ
> はうろ覚え)。
<By Kevin 00/11/06>
言語が変わるとプロセスが変わることを良く考えてJavaに変換する。たぶん Ruby
I would probably do best with a Java translation of just the code
bits themselves, understanding that the process itself would be
shaped differently in a different language. Perhaps Ruby would be the
best target, since it's more smalltalk-like, yet has "conventional"
syntax (at least if you avoid the far-out bits of syntactic sugar).
> --
> 吉田 尚志 steven@....jp