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Date:  Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:29:55 +0900
From:  Yutaka Kamite <>
Subject:  [XP-jp:00750] Type Checking
To: (extremeprogramming-jp ML)
Message-Id:  <>
Posted:  Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:31:44 +0900
X-Mail-Count: 00750

XPengの Robert C. Martin の型チェックについての発言です。ご参考まで。
#oosquare ネタですね

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 21:55:28 -0500
To be clear about this, I have walked both the checked and unchecked
side of
the street for a long long time.  I learned Smalltalk, Logo, and Prolog in
the early '80s; and did a lot of playing around with them.  I did a *lot* of
C before that (not type checked, but still statically typed!!!)  And I
worked heavily in C++ and later Java. 

Until recently I was of the opinion that statically typed languages were
essential for any industrial software effort simply because they found so
many errors.  I had written C for too long to be unafraid of type errors.

What has changed my mind about this is the near fanatic dependence of XP
upon unit tests.  The unit tests take the place of, and far surpass, the
benefits of static type checking.  This make the benefits of dynamic typing
far exceed the costs.  

So, IMHO, static languages are heading into a slow decline.  C++, Java, and
even (sigh) C# will continue strong for many years to come.  But I expect
that the next wave of new languages that capture the attention of the
industry will be dynamically typed.  Python may be the first of many to
come.  We may even see a resurgence of Smalltalk.

Robert C. Martin