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Date:  Mon, 05 Feb 2001 13:21:56 +0900
From:  Yutaka Kamite <>
Subject:  [XP-jp:01503] start-up tool set for XP (was Re: ant と make)
To:  XP-ML <>
Message-Id:  <>
X-Mail-Count: 01503


> 懸田です。
> Fowler氏の「継続的インテグレーション」でもでてくるantですが
> 実際に使われている方はいらっしゃいますか?
> 実は私もantの評価を個人的にしまして、Javaや実際のビルドに
> 特化したルールが定義されていてmakeよりも使いやすいと判断しました。
> 今携わっているプロジェクトや、今後のプロジェクトに適用したいと
> 思うのです、実際に使用されている方のmakeとの比較してのメリット
> デメリットをご意見いただければ幸いです。

ant ってな〜に?? と思っていたら、偶然、XPーMLで関連記事を見付けま

[XP] start-up tool set for XP
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:01:15 -0000


My thinking at the moment is:

IDE:			Visual Age for Java
Version Control:	Visual Age (Hopefull they have copied ENVY)
Unit Testing:		JUnit
Object Persistence:	TopLink
Refactoring:		JFactor
Modelling Tools:	Visio
Documentation:		JavaDoc
Performance:		???

RE: [XP] start-up tool set for XP
Tom Copeland <>
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:35:29 -0500


An excellent tool for Java projects is Ant
for automating builds and smoke tests.

RE: [XP] start-up tool set for XP
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 16:04:37 -0500



My XP team here has standardized on the following tools:

JUnit (for testing of course)

Ant +Perl 夜間ビルド
Ant (+Perl for nightly builds)
Visual SlickEdit (the best editor I've used on Windows)
Karmira BugSeeker 2 (an excellent stand-alone debugger, cheap too)
Visio Professional (for UML diagrams, network diagrams, etc)
Log4J (logging library)

SourceSafe を使ってるが勧めない。
We also use SourceSafe for legacy reasons (but I don't recommend it).

I previously used a similar toolset while working at a startup, and part of
the reasons we picked these tools was because the cost per seat was pretty
low, compared to an "enterprise" IDE like VAJ/Enterprise Edition (or
whatever it's called).  Not that we compromised because of price, but it was
a bit of a toss up and cost decided it for us.

TopLink (forWebLogic) は良い。 profiler としては JProbe も良い。Parasoft
JTestはすごくいい(単体の自動テスター。JUnit とはちょっと違う)。
In the past I have also had good experiences working with TopLink (for
WebLogic) and many other people have recommended JProbe as a profiler.  I
was also very impressed with Parasoft JTest (automated unit tester, but not
like JUnit) but had difficulty working it into our development process.

リモートNT接続には PCAnywherが好き。フリーのM$ Netmeetingでも出来る。
We also like using Symantec PCAnywhere for connecting to remote NT boxes
(although M$ Netmeeting does the same thing for free).

