* 1.2-1.14 ** Java3D 1.2 Beta1 support Tuple3i, Tuple4i, Point3i, Point4i new classes. java.awt.Color <-> Color3b, Color4b, Color3f, Color4f support ** GMatrix bug GMatrix.get(GMatrix) is fixed. Now 'row > col' matrice's SVD works. * 1.2-1.13 ** Java3D 1.2 Alpha support; Vector4{d,f}#Vector4{d,f}(Tuple3{d,f}) Vector4{d,f}#set(Tuple3{d,f}) Point4{d,f}#Point4{d,f}(Tuple3{d,f}) Point4{d,f}#set(Tuple3{d,f}) AxisAngle4{d,f}#AxisAngle4{d,f}(Vector3{d,f},{double,float}) ** copyright minor change * 1.1-1.12 * 1.1-1.11 ** Matrix3d, Matrix4d SVD normalization is now done for each axis. * 1.1-1.10 ** Quat4f now extends Tuple4f(used to extend Tuple4d - bug) thanks > Jon Beniston * 1.1-1.9 ** Tuple4[df]#sub '99,2/27 w = t1.z - t2.w; fixed z -> w ** put C++ version in the site. ** Point4[df]#distanceSquared '99,2/28 double dw = z - p1.w; fixed z-> w * 1.1-1.8 ** GMatrix#mulTransposeRight bug thanks > kaneta@elelab.nsc.co.jp ** GMatrix#add(GMatrix, GMatrix) method bug reported by kaneta@elelab.nsc.co.jp * 1.1-1.7 ** Point2{d,f}#distanceSquared bug '98,10/16 thanks > nhv@laserplot.com * 1.1-1.6 ** Matrix3f#set(float []) m22 should be m[ 8] but was m[ 9] thanks > nsawa@po.cnet-ta.ne.jp ** added Matrix3{f,d}f#set(Matrix3{f,d}) thanks > nsawa@po.cnet-ta.ne.jp ** API1.1 Beta02 conformance. see http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/forDevelopers/NTR-3D.html Deprecated methods in Matrix4d, Tuple3d, and Tuple4d's epsilonEquals, scaleAdd, clamp.... Point{3,4}d's distance{L1,Linf} return type has been changed from "float" to "double". * 1.1-1.5 ** transpose(M m1) of Matrix{3,4}{d,f} acted as the same as set(M m1). -> fixed to tranpose. thanks > nsawa@po.cnet-ta.ne.jp. * 1.1-1.4 ** implemented API1.1 Alpha03. ** added Point2d, Vector2d, Tuple2d and coordination with corresponding 2f. ** equals(Type) and equals(Object) ** interpolation is now t = (1-a)*t1 + a*t2 ** AxisAngle4{d,f} default constructor constructs (0,0,1,0) * 1.1-1.3 ** null check for 'equals' '98,4/17 * 1.1-1.2 ** many constructors added specified in the users guide. '98,4/10 * 1.1-1.1 ** minor comment change '98,4/9 * 1.1-1.0 ** the package is moved from java.vecmath to javax.vecmath. '98,4/9 ** the all classes implements java.io.Serializable. '98,4/9 ** expanded alias-safe feature. '98,4/9 ** added two exception classes (which are not thrown from within this package now). '98,4/9 ** commented some deprecated method. '98,4/9 * 1.0-1.3 ** bug fix of Matrix4?.set(m,t,s). thanks > t.m.child@surveying.salford.ac.uk '98,4/8 * 1.0-1.2 ** fixed typo bug in scale(double s) method of Tuple3d, Tuple4d, Tuple4f suggested by der@cs.ualberta.ca '98,1/6 * 1.0-1.1 ** "\n" in toString -> String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator") and changed format a bit (*Matrix*) '97,12/10 ** added SVD rank return value. (GMatrix) '97,12/10 ** fixed Vector3f#normalize, Tuple3f#scale typo bugs suggested by leonvs@iaehv.nl '97,12/29